Sunday, April 25, 2010

Moving.. Again..

The more I move, the less it seems an upheaval!
Back when Victoriana perished, I was suddenly homeless and just a tad freaked out.
I threw out my arms looking for somewhere to clutch and scrambled. First thing I heard was that Caledon Rocbranagh was in the making, then I left a note card with Des asking about land in general and Rocbranagh in particular, then I heard that there was a block going at Tangelwood. I know I have mentioned all this before, but really, I am making excused for what is going to seem like an unsteadiness of mind!
You know I bought into Tanglewood and then Caledon Downs? And I am all settled into each?
I built a house for Tangelwood. Fooled around, re-textured it. Settled it into the landscape and now I need to sell it!
Rocbranagh is almost ready!
Des called for Magdalena's attention in chat yesterday... and then mine. Turns out we were 2nd and 3rd on the list of names for the new sim. Martini, the one designing the sim was first.
At first I was thinking "Oh no, what if Magda chooses the one I want?". However after a fly round the island, I could see that 1st and second choice would be so close in attractiveness, I wasn't in need of worry!
In fact, Magda didn't pick either of them, so I got my first choice. Huzzah

Bonus! Magda was in two minds about needing a full block, so the deal was struck. She was to have half a block and i am to have 1.5 blocks! Even better, more prims!
So I am ready to pack up Tangles and not completely mortgage myself for Caledon Tiers :)

The thing I was looking for was what I loved most about fathom and then Southend... sun and moon sets....TICK!
Very happy arrangement.