Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dancing in Southend

Waiting for Taz to wake, I lurked in Southend. I was looking for fabric on Google Images for another cat frock. I found one, and then needed to take off the frock I was wearing to copy and paste it.
As my kitten became entirely unclad, I noticed a pair of legs behind me! Brioni from across the tracks had come to say 'hi'. I felt somewhat at a disadvantage both in bare fur and tiny.. so I transformed into big Auds.
Brioni asked me to dance while I tried to wake sleeping tiger. As we danced, we talked about my perception of him as the local Casanova which I had just confessed to.

I don't have a clue why I am so indiscreet with my thoughts but it is the case that mostly, what is in my mind will find a way out my mouth:)

Fortunately Brioni is a nice guy and took it well and explained that a couple of the 'regulars' are in fact good friends that he chats with while dancing. Much like the one we were having, he said.
I am happy to still imagine him as the neighborhood Lothario. Any good neighborhood needs one to complete the scene :)
We parted ways when I gave up trying to subtly wake the tiger and instead pushed him from his bed....


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