Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pet Hate

Here is something that I really hate:
SL is full of actual people. SL is not the Sims. So it bothers me intensely when RL thinks they can walk into or phone into my time and expect me to immediately stop SL and turn my full attention to them.
Please! I am in a room with friends. I can not, and will not walk out of the room without so much as a goodbye and in some cases, I will not walk out of a room of my friends if it not is the right thing to do under the circumstances.
SL society and social situations are real.


Eleanor Anderton said...

Waves!!! No problems!!! I always just assume you are looking for chocolate or ice cream!!!
Eleanor A.

Anonymous said...

I agree that when you are part-way through trying to tame a tours or torture a tube into submission any unwanted interruption from SL or RL is the last thing one needs (he says trying to free himself from a torus that grabbed him when he was distracted by external events)

I think Audrey was referring to RL demanding time when is busy in SL e.g. hiding under a rock as I frequently need to do, however I could, as is often the case, be wrong.

ps - "bilids" the word verification I was asked to use definitely of "deserves a place in my book "Zen and the Art of the Tpyo" as an beautiful 'builds' tpyo.

regards to all